Hottest Hair Trends

Guide to Protective Hairstyles for Natural Hair

In the past, protective styles were often considered a last resort for those who wanted to keep their natural hair healthy. However, thanks to the natural hair movement and more awareness of how damaging styling can be on your tresses, protective hairstyles have become a popular choice among many people with textured locks. Protective styles range from braids and twists to Bantu knots and crochet braids, each style perfect for different occasions. We’ll explore some of these options and what you need to maintain your style.

Picking the right protective hairstyle for your natural hair is a decision that should be made after careful consideration of what you need and want. Protective styles will help strengthen your hair, protect it from damage, and give you more time between washes, leading to healthier strands.  This blog post has compiled some of our favorite protective hairstyles that are perfect for those who want to try something new but don’t know where to start. Our favorite picks include braids, twists, buns, updos, and low-maintenance styles such as wigs and sew-ins. Check out these inspiring pictures below on how these looks can change a woman’s appearance in just minutes.

protect natural hair

Stylish protective hairstyles

We’ll be going over some protective hairstyles for natural hair. These styles will help you maintain your hair and look great! Let’s get started.

  • Braids: Braids are a great way to protect your hair from heat styling tools because they don’t require any heat to put in place. They also provide excellent protection against the elements like humidity and wind, which can cause frizzing or dryness.
  • Ponytails: Ponytails are another easy style that is perfect for all occasions, whether you’re headed to work or out on the town with friends. You can find tutorials on creating these styles online if you need more info on how they’re done.

keep natural hair healthy

Hairstyles that actually protect natural hair

There are a lot of great protective hairstyles for natural hair. These styles can help you maintain your healthy mane while protecting it from damage and breakage as well as retaining length. The two main types of protective styling include braids and twists, but there are also plaits, sewn-in weaves, and more.

Be sure to read on to learn how to care for your hair between washes using oils like coconut oil or castor oil as well as other products like shampoos and conditioners. ​And don’t forget to share this post with your friends who love their locks too.

No matter what type of hair you have, natural or not, your locks are probably your best accessory. But with all the styling and touching up that comes with having a lot of hair comes the dilemma of keeping it healthy. Protective hairstyles for natural hair may seem like the answer to this problem, but they can be difficult if you’re not sure about which style is right for you. The good news is that there are plenty out there!